Tips on Choosing Herbal Products

Consuming products derived from natural ingredients should not be arbitrary. Here are some tips to help you consume a product that is safe and effective.

Tips on Choosing Herbal Products

Ø Note the shape
Although still a long expiry date, choose herbs that packaging is clean, intact, not bloated or leaking, not moldy, not wet, and do not change shape or color.In herbal powder in containers, the detection is easiest to palpate the packaging. If the clot, it is a sign that the herbal medicine has changed shape.

Ø Do not fall asleep
Conscientious attitude also must still be done after eating herbs. Observe the reaction, do not cheer ahead if in one drink, herbs straight "mak cespleng".Observe the changes occurring in our bodies, no matter how small. For example appetite increased dramatically or some thing more than usual, drowsiness, increased heart rate, and so forth. If you notice anything suspicious, do not hesitate to immediately go to the nearest doctor.

Ø Vigilant seduction ad
No one herbal medicine that can cure illnesses. Anyway, the effect of a kind of herbal medicine to every single person can be different. Therefore, beware of herbs that claim to cure / ease a variety of diseases at once. Moreover, if worded hyperbole, and contains testimony that is not necessarily its authenticity and also not necessarily can be justified.

Ø Observe Packaging
The physical state of the packaging of herbs can determine the safety and quality of herbal medicine itself. Should choose the herbs that the packaging is intact, and the color of the packaging does not fade. Packaging faded colors can be an indication that too many herbs terpapara direct sunlight, so the quality can deteriorate.

Additionally, make sure that the herbs you are taking include the name of herbal medicine, the manufacturer's name and address, logo types of jamu (herbal standardized, herbs or fitofarmaka), registration number from the Department of Health / IKOT / BPOM, indications, composition, and of course the expiry date.
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